A chain-link fence is one of the most utilitarian and long-lasting types of fencing you can have. It provides security and pet containment, and it’s a great cost-effective fencing solution that can be dressed up with faux greenery or faux wood slats. If you’re wondering how a chain link fence can become part of your landscape, here’s the lowdown on chain link fence installation in Orange County and Westchester County, NY.
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Depending on the size of the area to be fenced, a professional fence contractor can install a chain link in a day to several days. Like any fence project, the secret to success is in planning and preparation.
Why hire a fence contractor to install a chain-link fence? There are many reasons to have a fence contractor install a chain-link fence. Ultimately, you will save time and hassle and have your fence up much faster than if you tried to install it yourself.
Permits and Utility Location
Before the fence is installed, your fence contractor will secure a building permit and ensure that the fence meets local building codes and restrictions. A fence contractor may also reach out to the utility companies to determine the exact location of any underground water, sewer, electrical, communications, or gas lines.
Proper Layout
Proper layout determines the look and structural stability of the final product. The fence contractor will clearly mark the fence line and fence post and gate locations; create perfectly square corners; and account for any permanent obstacles such as trees, a sloped lot, or rock outcrops.
Fast Installation
While chain link fencing is budget-friendly, it’s important to factor in the weight and the cumbersome nature of a roll of chain link fabric. Chain-link fabric comes in several sizes (4, 5, or 6 feet high), and the rolls can be quite heavy: It could be over 100 pounds per 50-foot roll.
If the fence is being installed in an area with existing vegetation, fence contractors will take care not to damage the plants by dragging or laying fencing across them.
Once the fence line is laid out, along with gates and post locations, the fence contractors will assemble the required parts and install the fence.
Materials include fence materials: fence posts; end posts and corner posts; chain link fabric in galvanized steel or aluminum, at the desired height; and top rails (the bar that runs along the top of the posts).
Chain link fence installation can also require tension wire to add rigidity to the chain-link fabric along the bottom; tension bands to secure corners and gates; tie wires to attach the chain-link fabric to the top rail and line posts; line post and end post caps to hold the top rail in place and give the fence a finished look; rail ends to cap the rail at each end post; and a tension bar, a vertical bar woven into both ends of the chain-link fabric. Depending on the design of your fence and whether it has any gates, there are other accessories to consider.
All in all, if a chain-link fence project is well planned and designed (you can count on your fence contractor to do this), the installation should go smoothly—and you can enjoy your new fence in no time.