When you are confident that an aluminum fence is the right choice for your Westchester County, NY outdoor area, the low maintenance requirements and versatile styles can reinforce your decision. Aluminum fences can withstand harsh weather, work perfectly for uneven terrain, and deliver years of reliable enclosures. Peace of mind is what you get with an aluminum fence for any part of your landscape.

The Superior Nature of Aluminum Fencing
Virtually maintenance-free and long-lasting, aluminum fencing has many applications that reinforce the clear benefits. From increasing privacy in the backyard to adding decorative appeal to the front landscape, aluminum fences can do this and more. It is one of the most popular choices for fences.
Durable: Aluminum is among the most durable metals for fences, resistant to corrosion, rust, and warping.
Versatile: Aluminum fencing is versatile with multiple styles and neutral colors to blend well with any landscape and house aesthetic. Close pickets, wide pickets, decorative finials, and other details make this fencing appealing.
Lightweight and Eco-Friendly: Since aluminum is a recyclable material, it can satisfy homeowners who want to use a material that is sustainable, with less environmental impact. Plus, aluminum is lightweight, making it easy to work with and move around should you need to.
Safety and Aluminum Fences
Compared to chain link or wood fences, aluminum is a safer choice for pets and children since there are no splinters or sharp edges that can cause cuts or other injuries. Aluminum is strong enough to keep intruders out of your yard and contain your pets inside the boundary.
Where to Use Aluminum Fences
Durability and low maintenance characterize this fence so it can be used in any landscape application with great success. Here are some areas where fencing can be added for security and beauty.
Around the Pool: Every pool must have a fence for safety, keeping those who cannot swim and small children out of harm’s way but there is no reason the fence can’t also be appealing and enhance the look of the pool space. Depending on the spacing of the fence pickets, an aluminum fence can allow breezes to flow through the pool area or provide more privacy from the view of neighbors as you swim.
For the Garden: Adding an aluminum fence to the garden can keep out deer and other animals that like your vegetables as much as you do. With decorative finials, unique details, and various picket sizes, this fence can set your garden apart in the best way from the rest of the outdoor space. Adding climbing, blooming vines to the fence base can ensure you have floral beauty that enhances the garden aesthetic, particularly when you plant perennial vines that return each year.
In Front of Your House: Up the curb appeal of your front yard with attractive aluminum fencing that keeps passers-by and dogs from entering your front landscape and leaving litter or “gifts” for you to find. Stately and visually appealing, this fence can direct guests where to enter with a pretty gate that echoes the fence design.
Any place that you add aluminum fencing will look improved while offering you security for the front and backyards, around the patio, and enclosing the pool.