Wood is a natural material and like any natural material, it will be effected by natural elements. Warping and checking are two completely normal effects that nature can have on a wood fence. Continuous water absorption and water loss in the wood used for your fence will cause its natural defects to surface. The most common defects are: cupping/warping, twisting, checking, and splitting. A well-maintained fence will still experience some of these natural defects. However, the extent can be significantly reduced through proper care (which we will discuss in a later post). Over the years, if you have not taken proper care of your fence, you may notice some things that will be unsightly. Now, fences CAN be repaired, but in the long run --- you will have to think about the most cost effective plan. If a few pickets have fallen off, that can easily be repaired. With that, here are a few things that may be a sign it is time to replace your fence:
Pickets falling off constantly
Sections falling off
Posts and/or sections rotting or decaying
The overall aesthetic of your fence is no longer to your liking
When the quote to repair your fence is near a quote for a brand new fence, it is definitely time to replace your fence
If you need an estimate for repair work or for a brand new fence, call Jan Fence and we will always give you our expert opinion and a fair and competitive estimate! 1-866-JANFENCE | www.JANFENCE.com
